Meeting ID: 542 944 0666Passcode: 9cUGo6
Final Summer Fair total - £1000 – a brilliant result.
B30 Foodbank (Update 31st July 2022)
Urgently required
Tinned tomatoes, ready-made custard (tinned/carton), tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), long-life fruit juice, instant hot chocolate (not cocoa powder), rice (500g), strong carrier bags, packets of sweet biscuits (not family packs), gender neutral shower gel, toothpaste, liquid/bar soap, dog food.
Low in stock
Tinned/packet soup, pasta sauce, cereal (not greater than 500g), tinned/packet vegetarian meals, tinned spaghetti, tinned fish (mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon), tinned rice pudding, chocolate bars, jam/honey, sugar (500g), washing up liquid, laundry powder/liquid, single or duo wrapped toothbrushes, toilet rolls, nappies size 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Well stocked
Pasta shapes, dry spaghetti, baked beans, tinned meat (ham, pulled pork, corned beef, pork sandwich), tinned vegetables, crisps, tinned potatoes, UHT semi skimmed milk, UHT whole milk, packet noodles, instant potato smash, baby food and baby care items, gender neutral roll-on deodorants, disposable razors, sanitary pads, baby wipes, cleaning products, nappies size 1& 2, cat food.
Not needed at all
Decaffeinated drinks or fruit infusions, bottled water, large bottles of lemonade or coke, any food or toiletries containing alcohol, cooking ingredients/sauces, dips, condiments, tinned macaroni cheese, fresh products (including vegetables, meat, eggs and bread), non-diary items, gluten-free items, savoury biscuits, coffee beans, loose tea, large boxes of teabags (120’s or more), very large bags of boxes of porridge and cereal, cocoa powder, tampons, make-up, hair accessories, perfume/aftershave,
Reflection on “Joy In Enough” Luke 12: 32-40
The overarching theme of the gospel passage is one of readiness.
“You must be ready”, Jesus says, for the son of man is coming at an unexpected hour. He’s coming from a party, a marriage feast, so if he’s delayed that’s a good sign. It must have been a good party! What’s more when he comes, he isn’t going to moan and complain about neglected domestic work; on the contrary he’s bringing the party home to the servants. He will have them sit down to eat and he will come and serve them! Amazing! We, who aspire to be servants of the lord will be served, treated as guests of honour. Our God is a loving and generous God and he longs for us to embrace the way of generosity too. Such is the nature of God’s economy! This is the kind of readiness that Jesus has in mind- a readiness based on generosity and an accumulation of treasure in heaven where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.
Today’s gospel is an invitation to live as if the way of Jesus is true and really does cast out fear. We read it alongside the story of Abraham. Abraham had faith in the generosity and goodness of God-that’s the key point about him. How strong is our faith in the goodness of God? Well our diaries and bank statements give us a clue.
Could we truly live trusting in God’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom and are we really ready to respond positively to God’s invitation when it comes for come it most certainly will.
If we could respond even in some small way or other, then we would begin to bear witness in our own lives that perfect love does indeed cast out fear. Amen.