Hazelwell Church

​Hazelwell Weekly Contact 9th March 2025

8 Mar 2025 • Weekly Notices

All Age and Parade Service

Led by Rev. Matt Churchouse

1st Sunday of Lent

A prayer for this week from Matt

Heavenly Father,

As we seek, this week, to welcome the uniformed organisations for our monthly parade service, may they feel at home and ease with us as we worship. We pray that they'd enjoy participating in our service, feeling engaged and enlivened by our worship. Please would your Spirit be at work in them - as in all of us - that our hearts would be lifted to the Lord Jesus Christ, and our lives more ordered and oriented to his ways. Please would you bring new life, nurture, and deepening faith in all of us as we worship this Sunday. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Please also pray for

Matt as he prepares his sermon for us this Sunday.

Residents of Norton View and Stanley Road.

Remember in your prayers all who live in fear of domestic violence.

Parish Update

Change of date - The Annual Church Meeting has been moved back from March and will now take place on Sunday 11th May.

Current News

Domestic Violence: Did you know?

1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lifetime

1 in 10 children live in a household where domestic violence occurs

We have information about domestic abuse on our website signposting appropriate support.

Reflection on Luke 4:1-13 Jesus is tempted in the wilderness

The passage begins with the statement that Jesus was "full of the Holy Spirit" and that the Spirit led Him into the wilderness. We see in this passage the interdependence between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Even though Jesus is fully divine, He willingly chooses to depend on the Spirit, thus demonstrating that His perfect obedience and power are rooted in the Spirit's presence. This sets a model for us of how we can rely on the Holy Spirit for strength during trials and temptations.

Each of Jesus’ responses to the devil’s temptations is a direct quote from Deuteronomy. He not only demonstrates His deep knowledge of Scripture but also His perfect obedience to the word of God. Perhaps Jesus’ reliance on Scripture is something we can draw from in facing our own temptations.

The temptations which Jesus faced reflect the common ways in which we can all be tempted: the desire for instant gratification (bread), the desire for power and influence (kingdoms), and the desire to test God’s protection. These are are common struggles encountered by all of humanity. However, we learn that enduring temptation involves resisting these desires by putting our trust in God