Hazelwell Church

Hazelwell Weekly Contact 2nd March 2025

28 Feb 2025 • Weekly Notices

Methodist Preaching Service

Led by Lynn Weaver

Sunday before Lent

A prayer for this week from Matt

Loving, Heavenly Father, we thank you for those in our lives who faithfully told us about Jesus. Would you help us to follow their example and seek to share him with others. In tandem with your Holy Spirit - the leading maker of followers of Christ - help us to pray for friends and family around us, and to share, in our words and our lives, who he is with those willing to hear, that they might also have the joy of entering your Kingdom and walking in harmony with you. Amen

Please also pray for

Lynn as she prepares her sermon for us this Sunday.

Residents of Partons Road and Chirton Grove.

Remember in your prayers all who live in care homes within our parish

Please pray also for John, Gillian and Yvonne

Parish Update

  • There will be a service in church next Wednesday May 5th at 2.00pm to mark Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. All are welcome.
  • During Lent, St. Bede's Brandwood are holding a Zoom Lent course weekly on Tuesday evenings 7.00-8.00 pm. If you are interested in joining this course please email Roy Hasleden (St Bede's church warden) at royandkarenhaselden@gmail.com

Reflection on Luke 9 28-36 The Transfiguration

Peter, James, and John climb up a mountain with Jesus. Having reached the summit His appearance is transformed, His face shines like the sun, revealing His divine glory. At this point the disciples are shown the truth that Jesus is not just a human teacher, but the divine Son of God. The appearance of Moses and Elijah further reinforces the connection between Jesus, the fulfillment of the law and the prophets, signalling that He is the culmination of God's plan.

The Transfiguration serves as a moment of divine revelation, where the disciples see Jesus in His glory. The cloud that overshadows them and the voice from heaven ("This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him") further confirm Jesus' divine identity.

Peter’s suggestion to build three shelters is somewhat misplaced, it shows his desire to stay in this moment of glory rather than moving forward in the mission. The voice from heaven, calling for attention to be given to Jesus alone, refocuses the disciples on the necessity of following Jesus and His teachings, not merely seeking awe-inspiring experiences.

The disciples, understandably, are afraid when they see Jesus' glory and hear the voice of God. The power of divine presence is overwhelming and yet, Jesus' reassurance (“Do not be afraid”) reveals His capacity to be a bridge between humanity and this overwhelming holiness of God.