Hazelwell Church

​Hazelwell Weekly Contact 25th August 2024

21 Aug 2024 • Weekly Notices

Hazelwell Morning Prayer 10.00am

led by Val Harris, preacher Rev. Matt Churchouse

Please pray for

The residents of Listowel Road & Belstone Close

All who Have received GCSE and A level examination results at this time

All those who have significant learning disabilities and those who care for them.

Carolynne, Martin, Kathy, Jess, and Ben
Parish Update

Look out for details of a quiz (in aid of tear fund ) to be held in November

The Thursday morning meet-up meetings will start again in September (meeting at 11.00am in the quiet room)

Date for your diary A joint Hazelwell / St Bede’s church (non-residential) weekend is to be held at Lickey Church 6.00pm Friday 20th September and 10.00am Saturday 21st September. Catering and child care provided. More details to follow, so reserve the date in your diary.

Reflection on Ephesians 6 10-20

Ephesians 6:10-20 is a powerful passage often referred to as the "Armour of God." This passage offers profound spiritual insights into how Christians are to live and fight in the spiritual battles they face daily.

  • The verse "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

sets the tone, reminding believers that their strength doesn't come from themselves but from God. It's an invitation to rely on God's power, recognizing human limitations and the need for divine empowerment. In a world full of challenges, temptations, and spiritual warfare, Christians are encouraged to draw their strength from the Lord, who is omnipotent and ever-present.

  • Paul uses the metaphor of armour to describe the spiritual resources available to believers. Each piece of armour represents a different aspect of spiritual defence:
    • Belt of Truth: Truth is foundational, holding everything together. Living in truth protects us from the enemy’s lies.
    • Breastplate of Righteousness: Righteousness guards our hearts against corruption and sin.
    • Feet Fitted with the Readiness of the Gospel of Peace: The gospel gives stability and direction, helping believers stand firm and move forward in faith.
    • Shield of Faith: Faith is essential for extinguishing the “flaming arrows” of doubt, fear, and temptation.
    • Helmet of Salvation: Salvation protects our minds from the enemy's attacks on our identity and assurance in Christ.
    • Sword of the Spirit: The Word of God is both defensive and offensive, allowing believers to counter lies and deception with divine truth.
  • "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
  • This verse highlights the true nature of the battle. The challenges Christians face are not merely physical or emotional; they are spiritual. Recognizing this shifts the focus from human conflicts to the deeper, unseen forces at work. It calls for vigilance and spiritual discernment.
  • Paul emphasizes the importance of prayer as a vital part of spiritual warfare: "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." Prayer is the means by which believers remain connected to God, seeking His guidance, strength, and intervention. Vigilant prayer helps Christians to stay alert and persevere, supporting not only themselves but also their fellow believers.
  • The passage ends with Paul asking for prayer for himself, recognizing that even leaders need the support of their community. This reflects the importance of unity and mutual support within the body of Christ. Spiritual battles are not fought alone; the strength of the community in prayer and encouragement is vital.
  • Paul’s request for boldness in proclaiming the gospel, even while in chains, reminds believers that spiritual warfare often involves courageously standing for truth and righteousness, regardless of circumstances. Boldness comes from the confidence that God is with us and that the gospel is worth every sacrifice.


Ephesians 6:10-20 is a call to spiritual vigilance, resilience, and reliance on God. It reminds us that we are in a spiritual battle that requires the full armour of God. By living in truth, righteousness, faith, and salvation, and by wielding the Word of God through the power of the Spirit, Christians can stand firm against any challenge. Prayer, community support, and the courage to stand for the gospel are crucial in this spiritual journey. Through this passage, we are encouraged to remember that the battle is the Lord’s, and with His armour, we are equipped to stand victorious.