Hazelwell Weekly Contact November 19th 2023
17 Nov 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact November 19th 2023
(2nd before Advent) 10.00am
Hazelwell Communion Rev’d Barbara Calvert
Please pray for
All innocent civilians who continue to suffer as a result of hostilities in Gaza
All who have suffered as a result of Storm Debi.
Also the residents of Topsham Croft and Kings Terrace.
Parish Update
It was good to see so many people in church last week for our Remembrance day service and particularly to welcome so many rangers, guides, brownies and rainbows.
We look forward to seeing you all again this weekend.
Message from Dorrett in the Hub
Please see attached invitation from Dorrett Erskin in the Hub, she also mentioned a periodic weekend brunch event – more details will follow soon.
You are welcome to join us for our midweek meet-up (coffee, chat, prayer) each Thursday led by Val and Andy from 10.00-12.00 (in the quiet room). All Welcome
If you wish to submit a name of someone in need of prayer support from our intercessory prayer group, please contact Val or Mary.
Christmas fair THIS SATURDAY
(Set up Friday 17th 5.00pm)
We look forward to seeing you there
You are welcome to join us for our midweek meet-up (coffee, chat, prayer) each Thursday led by Val and Andy from 10.00-12.00 (in the quiet room). All Welcome.
If you wish to submit a name of someone in need of prayer support from our intercessory prayer group, please contact Val or Mary.
Reflection on Matthew 25:14–30
The Parable of the Talentsfrom
As C.S. Lewis vividly puts it: "It may be a hard thing for an egg to become a bird; it is a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while it is still an egg. We are like eggs, today, and we either must be hatched, or go bad!"
What is the final message of Jesus in telling this story? It is: Step out! Risk! Live dangerously! Take constant chances with your life and goods for his name's sake. Don't try to bottle up your life so as to hang on to it at all costs. If you do that you will surely lose it. But surrender yourself to his cause, again and again. That is the way to find life. That is the way to watch for his coming. Having risked yourself to become a Christian, now risk yourself again and again as opportunities arise. Live dangerously! Or that also could be written, love dangerously! To live for Christ is to love men with his love. And that is always a risk. It has been well written: