Hazelwell Weekly Contact October 29th 2023
28 Oct 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact October 29th 2023
(Last after Trinity) 10.00am
Hazelwell Morning Worship led by Rev’d. Caroline Homan
We continue to pray for
The increasingly large number of victims suffering in consequence of the conflict in the Middle East
Victims of the earthquake in Afghanistan
Also the residents of Pineapple Close & Hartons Way
Parish Update
Diary Dates
Remembrance Sunday (parade) service - November 12th
This will also be a BACK TO CHURCH Sunday when we hope to welcome back to church all who for a variety of reasons have been missing from our congregation for a while.
Christmas fair Saturday 18thNovember !0.00 -1.30
Andy and Val are leading a midweek meet-up (coffee, chat, pray) each Thursday from 10.00-12.00 (in the quiet room). All Welcome
There is also a group of people prepared to offer prayers for individuals needing such support. First names only will be passed on and it is not necessary to share any details of the nature of the difficulty.
If you would like to submit a name for this group or want more information, please contact Val or Mary.
Reflection onMatthew 22: 34-46:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” These, Jesus says, are the two commandments on which everything else hangs. They are two sides of the same thing. You can’t truly have one without the other. This is about more than our feelings or affection for God and one another. It’s about our commitment to the life and well-being of the other. It’s a choice we make every day – to love or not to love.
I wonder what that love looks like. I wonder what your life and my life would be like if we held those two commandments as the guiding principles for all we do. I wonder what we might create and achieve if we embodied and lived those commandments.
Here’s another way of getting at what I am asking. What kind of world do you want to live in? What kind of world do you want for your children, grandchildren, and those who will come after you? What are your best wishes and hopes for the future of the world, our country, this city? What do you pray for when you look at everything that is happening today?
Here are some of the things I want, wish, and pray for. I want a world that is founded on human dignity and respect for one another. I want a world in which people come first, a world in which principles and policies support people rather than agendas. I want justice for all and not just those who can afford it, who have power, or who have the right color of skin.
I want a world in which different religions and beliefs are valued and viewed as a means for all to meet the Divine. I want a world in which diversity and difference are celebrated rather than oppressed, a world in which people and nations are at peace with themselves and one another. I want a world in which we face and learn from our past, mistakes, and failures so that we can do and be better.
I want a world in which everyone has living wage employment, educational opportunities, access to healthcare, safe and decent housing; enough to eat. I want a world in which the first, maybe even the only, judgment we make is that the needs, concerns, sorrows, hopes, dreams, and lives of others matter as much as our own.
Don’t you want those same things too? Isn’t that the kind of world you want to live in and pass on to the next generation? What else would you add to my list?