Hazelwell Weekly Contact October 22nd 2023
17 Oct 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact October 22nd 2023
(Trinity 20) 10.00am
Hazelwell Communion
Led by Revd. Phelim O’Hare
Certain major crises in the world continue to dominate our prayers
Please pray for
All victims of the conflict in Gaza and Israel
Victims of the earthquake in Afghanistan
Please remember in your prayers the residents of Dawberry Road & Waldrons Moor
Parish Update
oAndy and Val are leading a midweek meet-up (coffee, chat, pray) each Thursday from 10.00-12.00 (in the quiet room). All Welcome
o There is also a group of people prepared to offer prayers for individuals needing such support. First names only will be passed on and it is not necessary to share any details of the nature of the difficulty.
If you would like to submit a name for this group or want more information, please contact Val or Mary.
Diary Dates
Remembrance day (parade) service - November 12th
This will also be a BACK TO CHURCH Sunday when we hope to welcome back to church all who for a variety of reasons have been missing from our congregation for a while.
Christmas fair Saturday 18th November !0.00-1.30
Reflection on Matthew 22 15-22
Then he said to them, “Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”
Some thoughts on this scripture
People have worked on this reply of Jesus, some hankering for revolution against an oppressive regime, some trying to bolster their conservatism. What is your answer, Lord? You hungered and thirsted for justice and heard the cry of the poor. In all your preaching you championed the cause of the destitute. But you sought change by peaceful means, even turning the other cheek to violence. And in acknowledging the need to pay tribute, you accepted that a properly run state is preferable to anarchy and jungle law.