Hazelwell Weekly Contact October 15th 2023
15 Oct 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact October 15th 2023
(Trinity 19) 10.00am
Hazelwell Communion
Led by Revd. Peter Bates
Please pray for
The situation between Israel and Gaza which continues to escalate following the horrific
attack by Hamas last week.
The Jewish community in Britain whose members currently feel vulnerable
Victims of the earthquake and serious after-shocks in Afghanistan
Also the residents of Hill Croft Road & Bilberry Road
Parish Update
oAndy and Val are leading a midweek meet-up (coffee, chat, pray) each Thursday from 10.00-12.00 (in the quiet room). All Welcome
o There is also a group of people prepared to offer prayers for individuals needing such support. First names only will be passed on and it is not necessary to share any details of the nature of the difficulty.
If you would like to submit a name for this group or want more information, please contact Val or Mary.
oMany Thanks to all who supported our Harvest Lunch last Sunday.
It was very much enjoyed by all present and the proceeds of £227 was sent to Self Help Africa.
Diary Dates
Remembrance day (parade) service - November 12th (led by Rev'd Phelim O'Hare)
Christmas fair Saturday 18th November !0.00-1.30
All Welcome - save the date , and bring your friends
Reflection on Matthew 22 1-14 from
(The parable of the wedding feast)
The parable of the wedding in today’s gospel was spoken when Jesus saw that his own people were moving to reject him. The story is symbolic. But the invitation to us is a real one. It is an invitation to aim at the good life. The invitation to the kingdom of heaven is cast wide, yet we are free to say yes or no. No matter how low a stature I seem to have in life, I am welcome. I will shake off the rags of my injustice, my less good self and dress in the clothes of a new, more loving person.
I ask God to help me to respond as best I can to this real invitation.