Hazelwell Weekly Contact September 3rd 2023
1 Sep 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact September 3rd 2023
(Trinity 13 ) 10.00am (Celebrating Creationtide)
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev’d Rob Morris
Please pray for
Children and young people about to start in a new class or new school
All those whose travel plans have been ruined by technical problems in the air-traffic control system
All who live in areas of the world which are at immediate risk of disruption or destruction due to climate change
Also the residents of County Close & Kennedy Grove
Parish Update
Our church is participating in the A Rocha UK’s Eco-church scheme which encourages parishes and congregations to increase their awareness of green issues. The theme of our service this week is Creationtide
An Excerpt From “Daily Reflections for Creation-tide” from Richard Clarkson
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
The famous opening words of the Bible, the Old Testament, the Torah, set the scene for all that is to come: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. All that was, all that is, all that will be, all this comes from God. Right from the off the Bible speaks of a God who is not passive or distant, but active and involved. The opening chapter goes on to describe the scale, the diversity, the goodness of God’s creation, but here it is enough to simply reflect on the one who creates. Basil of Caesarea—the first of many such figures we shall meet over the coming weeks—was a Bishop in the fourth century in what is now Turkey. In one of his sermons he compared God the creator to a potter who, after painstakingly crafting a series of beautiful pots, ‘has not exhausted either his art or his talent’. The creation of the
world was not a one time burst of energy that left God exhausted, rather it was a pouring out of something deep within God—a desire to create, to bring about beauty and order and all that is good. God created because God is creative and God’s creativity does not run dry. This creative heart has left its fingerprints throughout the creation: in the wild evolution of nature, in the instinctive desire of our earliest ancestors to make art on the walls of their caves, in the stories that we tell to our children. The world is filled with creativity because it was created by a creative God whose art and talent are inexhaustible. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth—and that was only the beginning!
What signs of God’s creativity can you see around you, or within you today?