Hazelwell Weekly Contact June 25th 2023
22 Jun 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact June 25th 2023
(Trinity 3 ) 10.00am
Hazelwell Morning Worship
Led by Val & Andy Harris
Please pray for
Those who are coming to terms with the appalling loss of life when an overloaded boat full of migrants capsized off the coast of Greece.
The crew and passengers on the lost submersible off the coast of America, their loved ones and all those currently searching for them
Parish Update
THIS SATURDAY!: Summer Fair. (set up Friday 5.00p)
We’re happy to receive contributions on the day of
Plants & cakes
Please join us and bring your friends
Food Bank The Spearhead Trust has been grateful for contributions to their foodbank, collected at Hazelwell. Please bring your donations and leave on the table at the back of church.
Alternatively, consider donating to a local foodbank in the course of your
weekly shop via local supermarket collection.
A reflection on Matthew 10 24-39 from Michael K. Marsh
Don’t you sometimes just want an easy, feel good gospel? I do. Sometimes I want a gospel that affirms our life as it is and leaves us alone. I want a gospel that’s easy to preach, easy to hear, and easy to live.
None of that, however, is likely to happen today. Jesus has taken his sword and drawn a line in the sand.
Paul speaks of that line in today’s epistle (Romans 6:1-11) when he asks, “How can we who died to sin go on living in it?”
The line Jesus draws is a line between acknowledging him before others and denying him before others. And I am not talking about whether we read the Bible, go to church, say the creed, or post Jesusy kind of stuff on our social media. I am talking about how we live, what we say and don’t say, what we do and don’t do, the policies we enact or support and the ideas behind them. I am talking about where and with whom we make our stand today.
When you look at the line Jesus has drawn in your life today –
Where do you stand?
For what do you stand?
With whom do you stand?