Hazelwell Weekly Contact June 18th 2023
16 Jun 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact June 18th 2023
(Trinity 2 ) 10.00am
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Revd. Barbara Calvert
Please pray for
The people of Nottingham affected by murders earlier this week
The unknown number of migrants who died off the coast of Greece whilst travelling in an overcrowded small boat
All those who are full-time carers for family members and for those who work in the care sector
Please remember in your prayers Michael, Patricia, Joy and Pat
Parish Update
The following announcement was read in Church on Sunday June 11th:
Bishop Anne, as Acting Bishop of Birmingham, is delighted to announce the appointment of the Reverend Eliakim Ikechukwu as Vicar of the United Benefice of St Paul and St Silas Lozells and St George’s Newtown, following a process of discernment led by the St Martin’s Trustees, as Patron. Eliakim is currently the Assistant Rector in the parish of Kings Norton.
Arrangements for Eliakims’s institution will be shared as soon as possible
Eliakim has supported us by leading services regularly at Hazelwell over the last two years and his help has been much appreciated.
Reminder we are no longer providing coverage of Sunday services via Zoom.
Just over a week To Go
Saturday 24th June 10.00am : Summer Fair. (set up Friday 23rd)
Please remember the plant stall – if you are potting on seedlings or dividing perennials.
Clearing out? Books, Toys and Bric-a-brac always needed
Cakes for the cake stall needed on the day
MOST IMPORTANT come and support us on the day and bring your friends.
Live entertainment from 10.45 from Happy Feet Dancers and Sing and Sign groups
Food Bank The Spearhead Trust has been grateful for contributions to their foodbank, collected at Hazelwell. Please bring your donations and leave on the table at the back of church.
Alternatively, consider donating to a local foodbank in the course of your weekly shop via local supermarket collection.
A Reflection on Matthew 9:35-10:8. From
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.”
Too many in our day are inclined to act as if they believe the reverse of this statement from Jesus, in other words, that the workers are plentiful but the harvests are few. Why do we find the pronouncement of a plentiful harvest so difficult to believe? Maybe it is the harvest imagery that we find so difficult to grasp, considering that so many of us now live in cities and suburbs as opposed to rural Britain. Maybe a new metaphor is in order to bring home the truth of what Jesus is attempting to convey. Maybe a sports metaphor: This game is winnable, but the really good players are few. Therefore, ask the coach to send more good players onto the field. Maybe we need a metaphor out of the familiarity of present-day urgencies. This burning house is salvageable, but the able firefighters are few, therefore ask the captain of the fire station to send more firefighters into the burning rubble.