Hazelwell Weekly Contact May 21st 2023 Easter 7
20 May 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact May 21st 2023 Easter 7
Hazelwell Holy Communion 10.00am
Led by Revd. Phelim O’Hare
Please pray for
All children and young people preparing for exams after what has bee a disrupted period in their education
All who struggle with anxiety, depression or other difficulties with their mental well-beingAll children and young people preparing for exams after what has bee a disrupted period in their education- Saturday 24th June : Summer Fair
- (set up Friday 23rd )
Now might be the time to consider the plant stall – if you are potting on seedlings or dividing perenials.
Food Bank The Spearhead Trust has been grateful for contributions to their foodbank, collected at Hazelwell. Please bring your donations and leave on the table at the back of church.
Alternatively, consider donating to a local foodbank in the course of your weekly shop via local supermarket collection.
Reflection on Ascension from St. Michael’s Budbrooke How good it was to be reminded at this time that Jesus is the ascended and triumphant King, the Lord of all who intercedes for us in heaven. In these last weeks, you could say I have been ‘stuck' in John 14 & 15, in a good way. In these chapters we see Jesus promise Hope in many forms: ‘he has prepared a place for us in heaven’; the presence of the Spirit confirms our relationship with God: ‘I will not leave you as orphans’, and his daily presence with us: ‘we will come to them and make our home with them’. Then in John 15 we are invited to ‘abide’ in Jesus, where the circling of the imagery suggests our relationship with him is akin to his with his Father - what security, what intimacy, what mystery! From this, and only this, flows power in prayer and fruitfulness in our lives.
Somehow all of those threads were drawn together for me today, and launched upward in praise to our risen and ascended Lord.
Your own reflections over this period may be different, but this Ascension Day, take time to praise, to pray and take wonder in all God has done. If structure helps, why not use one of the Church of England forms for Morning or Evening Prayer but otherwise, use whatever pattern you find helpful. As you do, my prayer is that God shines more light into all that you’ve been pondering and as he reveals more of his goodness to you, you will overflow with Hope, an unstoppable quality in our times.