Hazelwell Weekly Contact April 30th 2023 Easter 4
28 Apr 2023 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact April 30th 2023 Easter 4
Hazelwell Morning Worship 10.00am
Led by Janet Thomas
(see order of service attached)
Please pray for
The people of Sudan suffering the effects of internal armed conflict
Children and Young people who live in need or suffer neglect or physical abuse.
All those no longer with, us who have supported and worshipped at Hazelwell church. We give thanks for their service and dedication
Please also remember in your prayers Kyla seriously ill in hospital.
Parish Update
- A copy of our current electoral roll is displayed at the back of church. If you wish to add (or remove) your name from it please see Carol Gunning. This is a register of Anglican members. If you are included on the list of Methodist members no action is required.
- Please find enclosed with this sheet copies of the citations to Alan and John currently displayed in the Hub.
Diary Dates
Monday 8th May. : 3.00pm CA Afternoon Tea (see below)
5 Middleton Hall Road chez Barbara Calvert
Sunday 14th May : APCM (following the service)
(Only 2 weeks to go!) – all welcome
Thursday 18th May: Ascension Day Service at The Church Of The
Sunday 21st May : Christian Aid Lunch
Choice of Casseroles plus dessert selection
Tickets available from this Sunday from Lyn Neill
Saturday 24th June : Summer Fair.
(set up Friday 23rd )
Friday 29th September : Macmillan Coffee Morning
Saturday 18th November : Christmas Fair
(set up Friday 17th)
See invitations to a Christian Aid afternoon tea and a service marking ascension Day enclosed with this contact sheet
Food Bank The Spearhead Trust has been grateful for contributions to their foodbank, collected at Hazelwell. Please bring your donations and leave on the table at the back of church.
Alternatively, consider donating to a local foodbank in the course of your weekly shop via local supermarket collection.
Reflection on John 10:1-10. from Sacred Space
Jesus uses rich images from daily life to illustrate the depth of his desired relationship with us. On the one side, he speaks of shepherd and sheep, gatekeeper and gate, pasture and life, recognition and salvation. The contrasting words are: strangers, thieves and bandits, killing and stealing, running away in fear instead of following, climbing in rather than walking through the open gate.
Lord, let me hear your voice, so that I may open the gate of my heart for you. Draw me to the pathways of life. May others then see me as a safe gateway leading to abundant life.
Jesus, the caring Shepherd, calls us by name. He also compares himself to the gate – a sign of security, who guards and protects his sheep from danger, and provides for their nourishment. Allowing us to come and go, not restricting or confining us, Jesus says” I came that they have life and have it abundantly”.
I have the freedom to listen to what gives me life, which may not be easy when our culture offers many messages which lead to dead ends. God offers me freedom to go out and come back in for nourishment and so hear what gives me direction for life and lasting peace. I spend time now hearing my name lovingly called by God.
‘I am the gate’. In Jesus’ day the shepherd cut thorn branches to make a circle for night. Leaving a gap in the circle, the shepherd called the sheep into the circle and then slept across the gap! ‘I am the gate’! Have I ever had such an experience of being the gate or of being ‘gated’ in this way?
How have the demands of love in my life led me to shepherd ? How do I recognise his voice as opposed to all the other voices clamouring for my attention ? What helps me to hear his voice?