Hazelwell weekly Contact July 24th 2022
22 Jul 2022 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 24th July 2022
Hazelwell Morning Worship
This Sunday at 10.00am Led by Val Harris
“But truly God has listened;
he has attended to the voice of my prayer.”
Please pray for
All those for whom exceptionally hot weather has caused major difficulties
All involved in leadership elections for the Tory leadership that a leader is selected who has integrity and who will work for all sections of the population
Parish Update
The funeral of Doreen Mortimer will take place in church at 10.45 on August 2nd and thereafter 12.15 at Lodge Hill. Service to be taken by Revd. Barbara Calvert.
This week's Zoom invitation
You are welcome to join us on Zoom on Sunday at 10.00am - using the following invitation You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing. Meeting ID: 542 944 0666
Passcode: 9cUGo6
B30 Foodbank
Most urgent needs are tinned soup, packets of sweet biscuits (not family multi packs), long-life fruit juice, ready-made custard (carton or tin)
Urgently required
Tinned tomatoes, ready-made custard (tinned/carton), tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), long-life fruit juice, instant hot chocolate (not cocoa powder), rice (500g), strong carrier bags, packets of sweet biscuits (not family packs), gender neutral shower gel, toothpaste, liquid/bar soap, dog food.
Low in stock
Tinned/packet soup, pasta sauce, cereal (not greater than 500g), tinned/packet vegetarian meals, tinned spaghetti, tinned fish (mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon), tinned rice pudding, chocolate bars, jam/honey, sugar (500g), washing up liquid, laundry powder/liquid, single or duo wrapped toothbrushes, toilet rolls, nappies size 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Well stocked
Pasta shapes, dry spaghetti, baked beans, tinned meat (ham, pulled pork, corned beef, pork sandwich), tinned vegetables, crisps, tinned potatoes, UHT semi skimmed milk, UHT whole milk, packet noodles, instant potato smash, baby food and baby care items, gender neutral roll-on deodorants, disposable razors, sanitary pads, baby wipes, cleaning products, nappies size 1& 2, cat food.
Not needed at all
Decaffeinated drinks or fruit infusions, bottled water, large bottles of lemonade or coke, any food or toiletries containing alcohol, cooking ingredients/sauces, dips, condiments, tinned macaroni cheese, fresh products (including vegetables, meat, eggs and bread), non-diary items, gluten-free items, savoury biscuits, coffee beans, loose tea, large boxes of teabags (120’s or more), very large bags of boxes of porridge and cereal, cocoa powder, tampons, make-up, hair accessories, perfume/aftershave,
Reflection on The Lord’s Prayer
Catherine from the CAFOD Theology team reflects on the Lord’s prayer, taking a step back to think about what the words actually mean.
The disciples ask Jesus how to pray, and so he teaches them, in words that are still with us today.
The Lord’s prayer is so familiar. The words trip off the tongue often without a second thought. But what if we stopped to think about what we’re actually saying?
This prayer calls us to live differently:
To recognise that “our daily bread” – the basics that we need to survive – are gifted to us all together, not separately to each individual. We are called to share.
To forgive – working on our relationships with God and with each other so that we can live in peace.
To allow God’s will to be done, saying no to temptation and focusing on what is right, rather than on what is destructive to ourselves or others.
It feels like a different way of living our lives to that of the world around us. It is in contrast to the individualistic drive to buy, to succeed, to consume, no matter what the cost to others or to the earth.
It doesn’t feel easy. But the second half of the reading is reassuring. It speaks of God’s willingness to answer our prayers. “Ask and it will be given unto you.”
This does not mean an indiscriminate granting of all our desires, but a knowledge that God is with us. God’s love always surrounds us. And through this love, anything is possible.