Hazelwell weekly contact July 17th 2022
14 Jul 2022 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 17th July 2022
Hazelwell Morning Worship
This Sunday at 10.00am Led by Janet Thomas
You make known to me the path of life
Please pray for
All those who face food poverty at any level around the world
All who are struggling to rebuild their lives following disasters, natural or man-made.
Those currently in parliament trying to maintain stable government of the country
Parish Update
- Many thanks to all who supported our summer fair in any way. The current total raised is £946.50.
- If you are unable to join us in church for the service this week you are welcome to join us on Zoom at 10.00am - using the following invitation
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 10.00am Sunday Worship plus church Annual Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 542 944 0666Passcode: 9cUGo6
- Click here CAW22 - Thank You to watch a thank you video from Christian Aid for our contribution to funds earlier this year
Very urgent needs
Tinned soup, packets of biscuits (not family multipacks), ready made custard (tinned/carton), tinned fruit (not prunes or grapefruit), long life fruit juice
Urgently required
Tinned tomatoes, ready-made custard (tinned/carton), tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), long-life fruit juice, instant hot chocolate (not cocoa powder), rice (500g), strong carrier bags, packets of sweet biscuits (not family packs), gender neutral shower gel, toothpaste, liquid/bar soap, dog food.
Low in stock
Tinned/packet soup, pasta sauce, cereal (not greater than 500g), tinned/packet vegetarian meals, tinned spaghetti, tinned fish (mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon), tinned rice pudding, chocolate bars, jam/honey, sugar (500g), washing up liquid, laundry powder/liquid, single or duo wrapped toothbrushes, toilet rolls, nappies size 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Well stocked
Pasta shapes, dry spaghetti, baked beans, tinned meat (ham, pulled pork, corned beef, pork sandwich), tinned vegetables, crisps, tinned potatoes, UHT semi skimmed milk, UHT whole milk, packet noodles, instant potato smash, baby food and baby care items, gender neutral roll-on deodorants, disposable razors, sanitary pads, baby wipes, cleaning products, nappies size 1& 2, cat food.
Not needed at all
Decaffeinated drinks or fruit infusions, bottled water, large bottles of lemonade or coke, any food or toiletries containing alcohol, cooking ingredients/sauces, dips, condiments, tinned macaroni cheese, fresh products (including vegetables, meat, eggs and bread), non-diary items, gluten-free items, savoury biscuits, coffee beans, loose tea, large boxes of teabags (120’s or more), very large bags of boxes of porridge and cereal, cocoa powder, tampons, make-up, hair accessories, perfume/aftershave,
Reflection on the story of Martha and Mary
From “Active Christianity”
Mary and Martha: Getting our priorities right
Am I a Mary or a Martha when it comes to my relationship with Jesus?
Take heed to yourself
We can be in danger of falling into the same trap that Martha did. We can be so troubled by what we perceive as negative behavior in others, and become so self-righteous in our good works that we start to judge others for not doing as we do. Satan is the one behind these kinds of thoughts. He whispers lies and accusations, trying to create as much conflict as he can. His aim is to lead people as far in the opposite direction of “the good part” as he possibly can – to lead them away from Jesus. To listen to him and agree with him leads to all kinds of unrest and trouble and worry. We need to slam the door on his deceitfulness!
“Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you,” it’s written in 1 Timothy 4:16. Only that will do us any good in life. The wrong choice that Martha made wasn’t that she was serving and doing good. It was that in her work she had demands and criticism on Mary, rather than doing what Jesus taught herself! If we are living before the face of God, we have no cause to look around at what others are doing and feel that we have a right to pass judgement on them. We live in obedience to the Spirit’s promptings in our own lives, and what others do is none of our business. We don’t know how He is leading others.
Let’s rise above all the noise and pursuits of this world and seek those things which have eternal value. Like Mary, let’s find that fellowship with the Master and with those who follow Him so that we can learn of Him and become like Him. Through the Word of God, fellowship, and prayer we become rich in our spirit, and God will give us everything we need in abundance.
but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.