Hazelwell Weekly Contact !0th July 2022
8 Jul 2022 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 10th July 2022
Hazelwell Communion Service
(and on Zoom)
This Sunday at 10.00am Led by Cannon Revd. Rob Morris
Healing God Give us Strength
Please pray for
The homeless of our city and those at imminent risk of losing their
Victims of the gunmen in Copenhagen and Chicago and their families.
Those who lost their lives as a result of the glacier collapse in Italy this
Parish Update
Many thanks to all who supported our summer fair in any way.
The current total raised is £946.50.
If you are unable to join us in church for the service this week you are welcome to join us on Zoom at 10.00am - using the following invitation
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 10.00am Sunday Worship plus church Annual Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 542 944 0666
Passcode: 9cUGo6
B30 Foodbank (Updated 3rd July)
tinned tomatoes, ready-made custard (tinned or carton), cooking rice (500g) Urgently needed
Urgently required
Tinned tomatoes, ready-made custard (tinned/carton), tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), instant hot chocolate (not cocoa powder, rice (500g), toilet rolls, strong carrier bags, packets of sweet biscuits (not family packs), gender neutral shower gel, dog food.
Low in stock
Tinned/packet soup, tinned potatoes, pasta sauce, cereal (not greater than 500g), tinned/packet vegetarian meals, tinned spaghetti, tinned fish (mackerel, tuna, sardines, salmon), crisps, tinned rice pudding, chocolate bars, long-life fruit juice, jam/honey, sugar (500g), washing up liquid, laundry powder/liquid, liquid/bar soap, toothpaste, single or duo wrapped toothbrushes, nappies size 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Well stocked
Pasta shapes, dry spaghetti, baked beans, tinned meat (ham, pulled pork, corned beef, pork sandwich), tinned vegetables, UHT semi skimmed milk, UHT whole milk, packet noodles, instant potato smash, baby food and baby care items, gender neutral roll-on deodorants, disposable razors, sanitary pads, baby wipes, tampons, cleaning products, nappies size 1& 2, cat food.
Not needed at all
Decaffeinated drinks or fruit infusions, bottled water, large bottles of lemonade or coke, any food or toiletries containing alcohol, cooking ingredients/sauces, dips, condiments, tinned macaroni cheese, fresh products (including vegetables, meat, eggs and bread), non-diary items, gluten-free items, savoury biscuits, coffee beans, loose tea, large boxes of teabags (120’s or more), very large bags of boxes of porridge and cereal, cocoa powder, tampons, make-up, hair accessories, perfume/aftershave, Christmas and Easter items.
Reflection on the parable of the Good Samaritan
The lawyer asked Jesus who his neighbour was; Jesus answered by telling him to be a neighbour to those in need, like the Samaritan. It is never easy to go out of our way to help others in need, and we do need the example of others to catch our imagination. I call to mind those persons I admire for their care of others, and hear Jesus asking me to go and do likewise.
Someone once asked, what would the Samaritan do if he encountered the same scene every time he passed from there? It would not be enough to help the victims, for something needed to be done to solve the problem. In our times, we are less and less concerned with social problems, so that we live in an increasingly unequal and violent society. I pray not to be insensitive to the suffering around me and to feel that I am in a real way responsible for the world I live in.