Hazelwell Weekly Contact Pentecost 5th June 2022
3 Jun 2022 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact Pentecost
5th June 2022
Hazelwell Communion Service
This Sunday at 10.00am (and on Zoom) Led by Revd. Canon Rob Morris
Please pray for
Queen Elizabeth and all involved with festivities to celebrate her platinum Jubilee
Businesses and their employees who are trying to get back on their feet in the current difficult climate.
Hospital staff who continue to strive to reduce waiting lists.
All whose holiday plans have been destroyed by disruption in the travel industry.
If you are unable to join us in church for the service this week or the meeting which follows you are welcome to join us on Zoom at 10.00am - using the following invitation
You are invited to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 10.00am Sunday Worship plus church Annual Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 542 944 0666
Passcode: 9cUGo6
Parish Update
Though the first of the month, this Sunday will not be a parade service but communion to celebrate the feast of Pentecost
Many thanks to all who supported our Christian Aid Appeal – our final total amounted to £500
Our Summer Fair this year will be held on Saturday July 2nd time to put aside items you may have to donate - eg. Jewellery, bric-a-brac, books, bottles
B30 Foodbank (Updated 29th May)
We are very low on tinned fish (tuna, sardines, mackerel,) pasta source and cereal so please prioritise these items,
We are also very short of strong carrier bags
Urgently needed
Tinned potatoes, sugar 500g (not larger), tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), tinned spaghetti, ready-made custard (tinned or carton - not powder), cereal (not greater than 500g), porridge (not greater than 500g), gender neutral shampoo, toothpaste, toilet rolls, strong carrier bags.
Low in stock
Tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), squash, long-life fruit juice, UHT semi-skimmed milk, dog/cat food, instant hot-chocolate (not cocoa powder), instant coffee (not decaffeinated)
UHT whole milk, crisps, tinned rice pudding, teabags (40’s or 80’s), jam/honey, chocolate and snack bars, liquid/bar soap, laundry power/liquid (not family sized), gender neutral shower-gel
Well stocked
Pasta shapes, dry spaghetti, baked beans, tinned/packet vegetarian meals, tinned tomatoes, tinned fish, pasta sauce, tinned meat (ham, corned beef, pork sandwich, pulled pork, chicken), tinned/packet soup, tinned vegetables, biscuits, noodles, instant potato, nappies all sizes, baby food and baby care items, gender neutral roll-on deodorants, sanitary pads, baby wipes, washing-up liquid, single or duo wrapped toothbrushes
Not needed at all
Decaffeinated drinks or fruit infusions, bottled water, large bottles of lemonade or coke, any food or toiletries containing alcohol, cooking ingredient or sauces, tinned macaroni cheese, fresh products (including vegetable, meat, eggs and bread),non-dairy items, gluten-free items, coffee beans, loose tea, large boxes of teabags (120’s or more), very large bags or boxes of porridge and cereal, cocoa power, tampons, make up hair accessories, perfume or aftershave, Christmas items, Easter items
Reflection on Pentecost
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost, we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles gathered full of fear in the upper room in Jerusalem. This marks the beginning of the Church. Like the disciples on that first Pentecost, this last year with the legacy effects of the Coronavirus pandemic and fears of escalation of the conflict in Ukraine this has been a time of waiting for the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.
We welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives to give hope to the hearts that are frightened. Today’s Gospel tells of how Jesus gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to his disciples. Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit into the disciples and by doing so he re-creates them. Jesus’ life-giving breath mirrors the breath of God given to human beings at the beginning of creation when God breathes life into the clay and made humans a living creation. It is because of this divine indwelling that we have the power to forgive and thus continue Jesus' saving mission. We are the incarnation of the risen Lord in our world today. We are re-created by the Holy Spirit. The sign of this re-creation is forgiveness.
The Feast of Pentecost reminds us that there is an important connection between the gifts of peace and forgiveness and the action of the Holy Spirit. We are reminded that the Church is called to be God’s reconciling presence in the world. This reconciling presence is also to be a way of life for Christians. In situations of conflict, we are to be agents of peace and harmony among all people.
Jesus greets his disciples with the gift of peace. “Peace be with you,” he says. Jesus then commissions his disciples to continue the work that he has begun: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” He breathes the Holy Spirit upon the disciples and sends them to continue his work of reconciliation through the forgiveness of sins. Both the Greek and Hebrew words for “spirit” can also be translated as “breath.”
As we celebrate this great feast of the Church’s fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, how have we been a sign of reconciliation in our families, in our world, and among people of faith everywhere? Have we been an instrument of God’s peace to everyone we meet?
Excerpt from Weekly Reflections from The Congregation of The Holy Spirit