Hazelwell Weekly contact 8th May 2022
7 May 2022 • Weekly Notices
Hazelwell Weekly Contact
8th May 2022
Hazelwell Communion service
In Church at 10.00am (and on Zoom)
Led by Revd. Eliakim IkechukwuPlease pray for
The people of for Ukraine and all who live in areas of conflict throughout the
Those who live in areas of the world already suffering serious consequences of climate change.
Those suffering financially as a result of changes to the benefits system
Parish Update
If you are unable to join us in church all are welcome to join us on Zoom at 10.00am - using the following invitation
Mary is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 10.00am Sunday Worship
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 542 944 0666
Passcode: 9cUGo6
SUNDAY 15th May
The date for the APCM and also Christian Aid meal ALL ARE WELCOME
Tickets available on Sunday from Lynne Neill or phone Mary on 07976531435
Have you bought yours yet?
If you don’t wish to join us for lunch but would like to contribute to the appeal please scan the QR code which will take you directly to the Hazelwell appeal page.
Our Hazelwell Summer Fair this year will be held on Saturday July 2nd
You are warmly invited to a service of
celebrating the Royal Jubilee and The Feast of Pentecost SUNDAY 5th JUNE 6.30pm
St. Mary’s Church, Moseley, B13 8HW
All are welcome to sing in a joint Deanery Choir for this occasion:
rehearsal at 4.30pm followed by tea
Introit: O Lord Give Thy Holy Spirit (Tallis) Responses: Norman Dyson
Psalm: 150 (Stanford)
Canticles: Stanford in C
Anthem: In Our Service (Thomas Hewitt-Jones) (RSCM Special Commission)
contact music@moseleychurch.org.uk
to express an interest and receive advance music for the service
B30 Foodbank (Updated 1st May)
We are very short of tinned rice pudding tinned potatoes, and tinned fruit (not prunes or grapefruit) so please prioritise these items.
Urgently needed
Tinned potatoes, sugar 500g (not larger), tinned fruit in juice (not prunes or grapefruit), tinned spaghetti, ready-made custard (tinned or carton - not powder), cereal (not greater than 500g), porridge (not greater than 500g), gender neutral shampoo, toothpaste, toilet rolls, strong carrier bags.
Reflection on Psalm 23
I don’t think there is any doubt that the 23rd Psalm is the most well known Psalm in the Bible. Even those who have little or no faith, or little or no church connection, know something of this Psalm and most, may I suggest know how it begins, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want…’ When we looked at the ‘I am…’ sayings of Jesus we thought of our Lord as being the Good Shepherd and the opening 4 verses give us this wonderful image of our Lord watching over us and the comfort and assurance that gives us.
The reality is that at times in our lives we do feel and behave like lost sheep, wandering aimlessly, feeling vulnerable and uncertain, even afraid. To know that our Lord will be there to restore our soul and bring to us the comfort and peace that we need in those times and provide for our every need is a blessing indeed. It reinforces the intimacy of the relationship we have with God through His Son and the love that He freely pours upon us day after day.
Yet despite how well we know this Psalm, I wonder how often we do stop to reflect on the final two verses, where the image is no longer of a shepherd and his sheep, but rather a host and his guest. We still have the same sense of intimacy in the relationship but here we have an image of God’s lavish provision for us that is clearly visible for all to see. Essentially, because God does satisfy our soul it cannot be hidden from the world – our very lives will bear witness to God’s blessings. Indeed, even in times of adversity the presence of the Lord with us cannot be hidden. Moreover, these are blessings that we will rejoice in not just all the days of our life here on earth, but for all eternity. No wonder so many people take hope and comfort from this Psalm.
Lord, we give You thanks that You are here with us every day of our lives, giving us rest and peace in our souls, refreshing us with the love You pour upon us. Help us to embrace that love and to seek to walk with You every day. Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.