Weekly Notices 2nd June 2019
1 Jun 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 2nd June 2019
Hazelwell All-Age Service
Led by Carolynne Palmer
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what
you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23 For life is more than food, and the body more than
clothes.”Luke 12 vs22
Readings Luke 12 v 22-32
Luke 18 v 15-17
Hymns Singing The Faith
152 This is the day
254 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
481 The Lord’s my shepherd I’ll not want
351 In Christ alone my hope is found
Please Pray for
Residents ofVicarage Close & Newlands Road
: Lay leaders in church
; All those who struggle with loneliness
: The Growth Of Our church
Friendly Forum
Friendly Forum will meet to talk tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm
It is three weeks to our Summer Fair so this may be a good time to have a sort out of bric-a-brac, plant extra seedlings for our plant stall, think about what help you might offer- maybe a brand new stall? – See Mary or Tessa if you can offer help.
Many thanks to all who supported our Christian Aid Events. Our final total was £600.
Food Bank Reprieve
Having Spoken to Roger Collins last Sunday about my decision to end the food bank collections in church, he was keen that rather than ceasing these collections he proposes that he collects our contributions from the Hub Office during the week. So we will continue to collect food as usual.
We will trial this for the next month to see if is effective.
B30 Foodbank
In the week-ending May 25th 2019 we fed 184 people 121 adults 63 children on 100 vouchers. We used 1528kgs of food and received in 690kgs.
Urgently Required: Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Tinned Fruit, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk, Pasta Sauces, potatoes, custard.
Not Required Currently: Pasta, Baked Beans, Tea, Biscuits