Weekly News 26th May 2019
23 May 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 26th May 2019
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev Catherine Grylls
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14 vs 27
Tessa Taylor Acts 16 vs9-15
Chris MitchellJohn 14vs23-29
Hymns Singing The Faith
372 Come down O Love divine
338 There is a redeemer
495 Dear Lord and Father of mankind (offering hymn)
545 Be thou my vision
Please Pray for
Residents ofCartland Road and Hazelwell Fordrough
: Those responsible for church finances
; Adults with learning disabilities cared for in residential
placements and their carers.
: The Growth Of Our church
The Funeral of Doff Ward
will take place this Tuesday 28th May at Hazelwell 10.45am (followed by committal at Robin Hood Crematorium) and afterwards at the Hub. All friends at Hazelwell will be most welcome
Friendly Forum
There will be no meeting of Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday since it is a bank holiday.
It is four weeks to our Summer Fair so this may be a good time to have a sort out of bric-a-brac, plant extra seedlings for our plant stall, think about what help you might offer- maybe a brand new stall? – See Mary or Tessa if you can offer help.
Many thanks to all who supported our Christian Aid Events. Our final total was £500.
Food Bank Reprieve
Having Spoken to Roger Collins last Sunday about my decision to end the food bank collections in church, he was keen that rather than ceasing these collections he proposed that he collects our contributions from the Hub Office during the week.
We will trial this for the next month to see if is effective.
B30 Foodbank
In the week ending May 11th 2019we fed 238 people 137 adults 101 children 119 vouchers. We used 2069kgs of food and received in 774kgs.
Urgently Required: Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish Tinned Fruit, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk, Pasta Sauces, potatoes custard.
Not Required Currently: Pasta, Baked Beans, Tea
It is four weeks to our Summer Fair so this may be a good time to have a sort out of bric-a-brac, plant extra seedlings for our plant stall, think about what help you might offer- maybe a brand new stall? – See Mary or Tessa if you can offer help.
Many thanks to all who supported our Christian Aid Events. Our final total was £600.
Next Week
Hazelwell All Age Service
Led by Carolynne Palmer