Weekly Notices 19th May
17 May 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 19th May 2019
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev Elaine Russell
Readings Acts 11vs1-18
John 13vs31-35
Hymns Singing The Faith
88 Praise To The Lord
242 A New Commandment I give You(x2)
420 Because You Came And sat Beside Us
568 Alleluia! Sing To Jesus
713 Show Me How To stand For Justice
Please Pray for
: Residents of Brandwood Road & Hazelwell Crescent
: All who contribute to the smooth running of the church
; All who are waiting for medical test results or procedures
: The Growth Of Our church
Friendly Forum
David Swain will speak at Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday.
Many thanks to all who have supported our Christian Aid Events over the last week.
We hope to announce a provisional total during this morning’s service
Food Bank Announcement
We at Hazelwell have generously supported the b30 food bank in Cotteridge over a number of years (and before that the food bank operated from the New Life Baptist Church in Kings Heath).
Originally collecting contributions in church was an effective way for people to support this worthy cause.
However since the majority of supermarkets now have their own collection points, it makes sense logistically for people to make their donations at point of purchase, rather than carrying food home from the supermarket, then to church, from where it has to be taken to the church at Cotteridge and thence to the warehouse.
Collections in church will therefore cease from the end of this month and after next week food will no longer be taken to Cotteridge from church.
Your support of this worthy cause has been greatly appreciated and is to be hoped that the volume of donations from individuals in our congregation will not be diminished.
Details of the foods currently needed and those which are not currently required will still appear in our notices to inform your shopping.
Once again many thanks for your past support.
B30 Foodbank
In the week ending May 11th 2019we fed 238 people 137 adults 101 children 119 vouchers. We used 2069kgs of food and received in 774kgs.
Urgently Required: Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish Tinned Fruit, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk, Pasta Sauces, potatoes custard.
Not Required Currently: Pasta, Baked Beans, Tea