Weekly Notices 12th May 2019
9 May 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 12th May 2019
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev Moira Forbes
Part of being a person is about
helping others.Regis Murayi
Readings John 10 vs 22-30
Acts 9vs 36-end
Hymns Singing The Faith
343 All my days
338 There is a redeemer
347 Crown Him with many crowns
313 Thine be the glory
Please Pray for
: Residents of Dawberry Fields Road & Granton Close
: Members of Staff and organisations who meet in the
; All those working to achieve equality of opportunity in
educational between boys and girls
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Food-Bank
In the week ending 4th 2019we fed 230 people 156 adults 74 children 126 vouchers. We used 1825kgs of food and received in 2723kgs.
Urgently Required: Tinned Meat, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Puddings, Custard, Cereals, Tinned Potatoes, Fruit Juice, Tinned Spaghetti, Rice, Jam, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk, Pasta Sauces.
Not Required Currently: Pasta, Baked Beans, Tea
The Funeral of Doff Ward
will take place on Tuesday 24th May at Hazelwell 10.30am (Followed by committal at Robin Hood Crematorium) and afterwards at the Hub.
Friendly Forum
Friendly Forum will meet for lunch at the Red Lion tomorrow, Monday at 12.30 All Welcome
There will be a meeting of the JCC this Thursday 16th May, 7.30 at the vicarage.
Consecration of Memorial Garden
Bishop Maurice Sinclair will be leading a short service to consecrate the memorial garden at 4pm on Wednesday 15th May. Followed by tea, coffee and cake in the vicarage.
All welcome
It’s not too late to -
Join us TODAY for our
Christian Aid Talk and Meal
which will take on
Following 10 o’clock service
Casserole - chicken/lamb/beef
and a Choice of Desserts
Children (under 10)
fruit juice,tea/coffee
We Also Look Forward To Welcoming You
To Our
Christian Aid Quiz
Next Saturday 18th May
at 7.30 (doors open 7.00pm)
All Welcome– bring your friends