Weekly Notices 5th May 2019
3 May 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 5th May 2019
Hazelwell All Age Service
Led by Rev Moira Forbes
Readers John 21.1-19
Hymns Singing The Faith
309 See what a morning
295 Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
351 In Christ alone
Please Pray for
: Residents of Emsworth Grove & Granton Road
: Members of The Flower Arranging Team
; Health care professionals working in the community
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Food-Bank
In the week ending April 27th 2019we fed 151 people 99 adults 52 children 79 vouchers.
We used 1111kgs of food and received in 2121kgs.
Urgently Required: Tinned Meat, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Puddings, Custard, Cereals, Tinned Potatoes, Fruit Juice, Tinned Spaghetti, Rice, Jam, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk, Pasta Sauces.
Not Required Currently: Pasta, Baked Beans, Tea
Friendly Forum
There will be no Friendly Forum tomorrow as it is a bank holiday
Please Pray for
: Residents of Emsworth Grove & Granton Road
: Members of The Flower Arranging Team
; Health care professionals working in the community
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Food-Bank
In the week ending April 27th 2019we fed 151 people 99 adults 52 children 79 vouchers.
We used 1111kgs of food and received in 2121kgs.
Urgently Required: Tinned Meat, Tinned Fruit, Tinned Puddings, Custard, Cereals, Tinned Potatoes, Fruit Juice, Tinned Spaghetti, Rice, Jam, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk, Pasta Sauces.
Not Required Currently: Pasta, Baked Beans, Tea
Friendly Forum
There will be no Friendly Forum tomorrow as it is a bank holiday
Invite Your Friends!
Tickets are on sale TODAY for our
Christian Aid Talk and Meal
which will take on
Sunday 12thMay 2019
Following 10 o’clock service
Casserole - chicken/lamb/beef
and a Choice of Desserts
£8.50 . Children (under 10) £3
fruit juice,tea/coffee
We Look Forward To Welcoming You
To Our
Christian Aid Quiz
on Saturday 18th May
at 7.30 (doors open 7.00pm)
All Welcome – bring your friends