Weekly Notices 28th April 2019
14 Apr 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 28thApril 2019
Hazelwell Preaching Service
Led by Rev Dr. Jane Craske
Please Pray for
: Residents of Haytor Av. & Ashburton Road
: Members of the JCC
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Food-bank
In the week-ending April 13th 2019 we fed 224 people
148 adults 76 children 120 vouchers. We used 1743kgs
of food and received in 1910 kgs.
Urgently Required: Rice, Cereals, Tinned Fruit, Fruit Juice, UHT Whole Milk, custard, rice pudding and jam.
Currently Well Stocked: Baked Beans, Pasta, Tea, Noodles, Vegetables, Dry Spaghetti.
The Funeral of Edith Morrison will take place on Thursday 9th May at 11.30am at Lodge Hill Cemetry (courtege leaving Stirchley co-op funeral home at 11.00am) and afterwards at the Hub.
Friendly Forum
There will be no Friendly Forum tomorrow as it is a bank holiday
Save The Dates!
Tickets are on sale TODAY for our
Christian Aid Talk and Meal
which will take on
Sunday 12thMay 2019
Following 10 o’clock service
Casserole - chicken/lamb/beef
and a Choice of Desserts
Children (under 10)
fruit juice,tea/coffee
Our second Christian Aid fund-raising event is a
on Saturday 18th May
at 7.30 (doors open 7.00pm).
All Welcome – bring your friends