Weekly Notices 3rd March 2019
27 Feb 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 3rdMarch 2019
Celebrating 40 years of Scouting and Guiding at Hazelwell
All Age Parade Service
Led by Rev Moira Forbes
ReadingLuke 9.28-43a
Hymns Singing The Faith
136 Morning has broken
476 One more step
100 All things bright and beautiful
Please Pray for
: Residents of Hazelwell Drive & Partons Road
: All Leaders and members of our uniformed
;All who are victims of on-line abuse in any form.
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Food-bank
In the week ending February 16th 2019we fed 240 people 145 adults & 95 children on 117 vouchers. We used 1873 kgs of food and received in 2588kgs.
Urgently Required: Rice, Cereals, Tinned Fruit, Fruit Juice & UHT Whole Milk
Currently Well Stocked: Baked Beans, Pasta, Tea, Noodles, Vegetables & Dry Spaghetti.
Friendly Forum will meet for Lunch at the Red Lion at 12.30 tomorrow Monday
APCM (17th March 2019)
All members of the church are encouraged to attend the Annual Church Meeting following a light breakfast, which will be served at 8.30am on Sunday 17th March. This will precede our 10.00am morning service.
Please check that your details are correct as they appear on the Electoral Roll – displayed on the noticeboard.
Lent 2019
Since Lent begins next week ( Ash Wednesday 6th March) you are invited to sign up for The Kings Heath Council of Churches Lent Course ( See notice board).
We are also supporting the Christian Aid Lent Appeal. Please take a booklet “RiseUp against climate change” from the table. These offer a daily reading and suggested related action. There is also a larger version for children.
Any monies donated will be collected after Easter.