Weekly Notices 24th February 2019
21 Feb 2019 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 24th February 2019
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev Moira Forbes
There are dark shadows on the earth, but it’s
lights are stronger in the contrast.
Charles Dickens
Readings Luke 8 vs22-25
Genesis 2 vs4b-9, 15-end
Hymns Singing The Faith
343 All my days I will sing this song of gladness
348 He is Lord
106 God whose almighty word
353 Jesus is Lord! Creations voice proclaims it
Please Pray for
: Residents of Kings terrace & Mercia Drive
: Members of our JCC
: all who have been radicalised in this country
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Foodbank
Week ending February 16th 2019
Last Week we fed 240 people 145 adults 95 children on 117 vouchers. We used 1873 kgs of food and received in 2588kgs.
Urgently Required: Rice, Cereals, Tinned Fruit, Fruit Juice & UHT Whole Milk
Currently Well Stocked: Baked Beans, Pasta, Tea, Noodles, Vegetables & Dry Spaghetti.
Friendly Forum Revd. Nick Jones will speak at tomorrow’s meeting of Friendly Forum at 2.00pIt is 40 years since Scouting and Guiding started at Hazelwell
You Are
Invited To A
Curling Evening
Celebrating 40 years of Scouting and Guiding at Hazelwell
THIS FRIDAY 1st March 6.00-9.00 pm
at The Hub Hazelwell
Adult £3Children £1
Tea/Coffee or squash & Cake
Bring your own snacks and drinks
Next Week
Celebrating 40 years of Scouting and Guiding at Hazelwell
All Age Parade Service
Led by Rev. Moira Forbes
All Welcome