Weekly Notices16th September 2018
15 Sep 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 16th September
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. E Russell
The true test of a man’s spirituality is not his ability to speak as we are apt to think , but rather his ability to bridle his tongue.R. Kent Hughes
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
94 To God be the glory
251 Jesus Christ is waiting
524 Listening God
595 Lord we have come at your own invitation
693 Beauty for brokenness
Please Pray for
: Residents of Emsworth Grove& Granton Road
: The children in our Sunday School and Uniformed orgs
: All who have suffered as a result of the effects of Hurricane Florence and the Typhoon in Mangkut.
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Foodbank
In the Week ending 8th September 2018 we received 882kgs of food, and gave out 1390kgs of food, feeding 108 people; 101 adults & 79 children on 80 vouchers.
Urgently required: Tinned Spaghetti, Rice, Tinned Meat, Smash, Rice Pudding, Tinned Fruit, Fruit Juice, Custard, Jam;
Currently well stocked: Pasta, Tea, Cereal, Baked Beans,Tinned Vegetables, Noodles.
Harvest Lunch – Forward NoticeOur Harvest Lunch will take place on Sunday 14th October with tickets on sale next week.Save the Date
Friendly ForumDavid Swain will speak at the meeting of Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday 1.30pm All Welcome.