Weekly Notices 9th September2018
8 Sep 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 9th September
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. M. Forbes
I believe God’s truth is higher, wider, deeper and longer than all our creeds and includes what is in the best of them.Horace Greeley
Proverbs 22vs1-2,8,9,22,23
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
333 Majesty
447 Jesus be the centre
706 Longing for light
692 Your hand O God has guided
Please Pray for
: Residents and staff of The Trident Reach residential care homes in Vicarage Road
: Members of our uniformed organisations and their leaders as they resume their weekly meetings this week
: All those who have moved to a new class or school this week
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Foodbank
In the week ending 1st September 2018 we received in 1083kgs of food, and gave out 911kgs of food, feeding 109 people; 69 adults & 40 children on 57 vouchers.
Urgently required: Tinned Spaghetti, Rice, Tinned Meat, Smash, Rice Pudding, Tinned Fruit, Fruit Juice, Custard, Jam;
Currently well stocked: Pasta, Tea, Cereal, Baked Beans, Tinned Vegetables, Noodles
As we have now settled in to our new warehouse, we are taking the opportunity to improve our stock control & rotation systems.
If any of you are kindly considering making On-Line Supermarket donations, could you please have them delivered to our ware-house Unit 9 Castle Road, Kings Norton Business Park, B30 3HZon a TUESDAY ONLY between 1:00 & 3:00pm. We would be pleased to receive personal donations at the warehouse during these times, if this is convenient. Personal donations can still be made to The Cotteridge Church Wheelie bin.
Harvest Lunch – Forward Notice
Our Harvest Lunch will take place on Sunday 14th October with tickets on sale in 2 weeks time.Save the Date
Friendly Forum
Erica Price will speak at the meeting of Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday 1.30pm All Welcome.
Next Week- Sunday 16th Sept.
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by
Elaine Russell
You are cordially invited to join us
For our Macmillan Coffee morning event
Raising funds for Macmillan cancer relief
Join us
with our Uniformed organisations
At the Hub 6.00pm- 7.30pm