Weekly News 12th August 2018
9 Aug 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 12th August 2018
Hazelwell All Age Messy Church Worship
Led by Rev. Moira Forbes
“The fact that you can still stand for God even when some people try to push you to fall, is a proof that
you were not DRAGGED Up, but you were BROUGHT Up!”
Israelmor Avivor
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
61 Our God is a great big God
All Through History (words inside)
44 Come on and celebrate
Please Pray for
:Residents of Melstock Road & Hambury Drive:: Members of Social committee: All the Families who attended our Messy Church sessions this week: The Growth Of Our church
Many thanks to all who have supported our play-scheme this week and especially those who ran it each day. We welcomed a total of 28 children over the course of the three days and a great time was had by all.
Friendly Forum
Sarah Taylor will speak at the meeting of Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm.
b30 Foodbank
In the Week ending 4th August we received 1146Kgs of food, and gave out 1582kgs of food, feeding 192 people; 121 adults & 71 children on 89 vouchers.
Urgently required: Tinned Meat, Rice Pudding, Fruit Juice, Smash, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Custard, Jam, Macaroni Cheese, Tinned Spaghetti, Tinned TomatoesCurrently well stocked: Pasta, Tea, Cereal, Noodles, Baked Beans, Tinned Vegetables, Soup, UHT Semi Skimmed Milk.
May Lane Allotments will be holding their Annual Flower and Vegetable Show on next Sunday August 19th at 2.30 pm. All welcome.
All Through History
Noah built the most enormous boat
That kept the birds and animals afloat
The Lord was good, the Lord was strong
And Noah lived his life for him
Moses led his people through the sea
Taking them away from slavery
The Lord was good, the Lord was strong
And Moses lived his life for him
Oh thank you, oh thank you
That all through history you were faithful
Thank you, oh thank you
That you are just the same when it comes to me
When it comes to me
David fought Goliath and he won
A humble shepherd boy became a king
The Lord was good, the Lord was strong
And David lived his life for him
Daniel was inside a lion's den
But God brought him to safety once again
The Lord was good, the Lord was strong
And Daniel lived his life for him
Jesus died to take away our sin
So we could get to know our God again
The Lord is good, the Lord is strong
And we will live our lives for him
CCLI #:5100206© 2007 Song Solutions Daybreak