Weekly Notices 5th July 2018
13 Jul 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 15th July 2018
Hazelwell Communion
Led by Rev. M. Claridge
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of
the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2Corinthians 4 vs6
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
564 O thou who camest from above.
615 Let love be real.
693 Beauty for brokeness.
Just as we are (See sheet)
610 Best of all God is with us
Please Pray for
: Residents of Topsham Croft & Kings Terrace
: Those responsible for church finances
: All currently involved in the Brexit negotiations
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Foodbank
In the Week ending 7th June 2018 we received 1061kgs of food, and gave out 1340kgs of food, feeding 157 people; 106 adults & 51 children on 83 vouchers.
Urgently required:
Tinned Spaghetti, Rice, Tinned Meat, Rice Pudding, Fruit Juice, Coffee, Custard, Jam,
Currently well stocked:
Pasta, Tea, Cereal, Baked Beans, Tinned Vegetables.
The revised final total raised by our Summer Fair last week was £890. Many thanks to all who supported us.
Singers from Hazelwell
Tessa and Shannon are members of the So Vocal Community Choir which practises on Thursday nights in our church. Their next concert will be This Afternoon15th July from 2.30 pm at the Town Hall. Tickets are £13 on the door (Town Hall Box Office).
Next Week-
Sunday 22nd July
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. M. Forbes