Weekly Notices 1st July 2018
30 Jun 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 1stJuly 2018
All Age Worship
Led by Rev. Moira Forbes
We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us.
Anthony Douglas Williams
All things bright and beautiful
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
If I were a butterfly
Please Pray for
: Residents of Kings Road & Kings Close
: Members of the Joint Church Council
: All who work with animals in our society
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Foodbank
In the week ending 23rd June 2018 we have received 1184kgs of food and given out 1389kgs of food, feeding 165 people - 92 adults & 73 children on 67 vouchers.
We are running short of jams, long life milk (whole and semi skimmed), fruit juice, cooking rice, instant potato, rice pudding, custard, macaroni cheese, hot chocolate, sugar (500g), tinned tomatoes, cereal and carrier bags.
Friendly Forum
Nick Jones will speak at Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm.
Hazelwell Family Fun Play-scheme
We are now starting to plan our play-scheme, which will run
from Tuesday 7th – Thursday 9th August.
All welcome (children must be accompanied)
Fliers giving information and how to apply available from the table at the back of church
or see Moira or Mary Bowen.
Singers from Hazelwell
Tessa and Shannon are members of the So Vocal Community Choir which practises on Thursday nights in our church. Their next concert will be on Sunday 15th July from 2.30 pm at the Town Hall.
Tickets are £13 from the Town Hall Box Office.
As this is in the afternoon, it maybe that members of our congregation would be interested in going.
For more information see fliers at the back of church
Many thanks to all who supported our Summer fair yesterday
We hope to announce a total today.
A Fond Farewell
This morning is with sadness that we say goodbye
to our brownie leaders Elizabeth and Jeannette -Brown Owl and Tawny Owl.
They have both devoted a great deal of time and energy to running our brownie pack over many years and they will be sadly missed.
Final Thought
Animals are such agreeable friends, they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.George Eliot