Weekly News 3rd June 2018
1 Jun 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 3rdJune 2018
Hazelwell All Age Worship & Parade Service
Led by Hazel Nash
Success is on the same road as failure;
Success is just a little further down the road.
Jack Hyles
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
43Come Let Us Praise The Lord
403God is Love, His The Care
401Help us O Lord to Learn
134Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies
660Called by Christ To be Disciples
Please Pray for
: Residents of Milbrook Road & ReevesRoad
: Members of our Sunday School and uniformed
: All those affected by last week’s flash floods in
Birmingham and surrounding areas
: The Growth Of Our church
b30 Food Bank
Week ending 26th May 2018we have received 529kgs of food andgiven out 1037 kgs, feeding 121 people; 79 adults & 42 children on 60 vouchers.
We are running short of jams, long life milk (whole and semi skimmed), fruit juice, cooking rice, instant potato, rice pudding, custard, macaroni cheese, hot chocolate, sugar (500g), cereal and carrier bags.
We have at last signed the lease on our new warehouse and are still waiting for access!
“Final” final Christian Aid Total
The eventual total raised for Christian Aid was £916
Friendly Forum
David Swain will speak at Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm. All Welcome.
UrgentOur Brownies Need Your Help
Unless new leaders can be found our brownie pack will cease to exist after July. If you or any one you know could offer their services and would be prepared to go forward to become warranted please speak to Moira or phone Brown Owl (Elizabeth Abbott) on 07411062389.