Weekly Notices 22nd April
21 Apr 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 22ndApril 2018
Hazelwell Communion
Led by Rev. Moira Forbes
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary.
To one without faith no explanation is possible.
Thomas Aquinas
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
338 There Is a Redeemer
480The Lord's My Shepherd
298 Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
345 And Can It Be
Please Pray for
: Residents of Millhaven Avenue & Norfolk Close
: Members of Social Committee
: Leaders of the Countries of the Commonwealth that theymay act with wisdom in governing their countries.
: The Growth Of Our church
b30Food Bank
We received in 724kgs of food, and gave out 1448kgs of food, feeding 176 people; 114 adults & 62 children on 88 vouchers.
We are running short of jams, long life milk (both whole and semi skimmed), fruit juice, cooking rice, instant potato, tinned rice, custard, macaroni cheese, hot chocolate, sugar (500g) and cereal, also carrier bags.
Coffee Morning
The April coffee-morning will be held this Wednesday (25th April) at the home of Audrey Rickards 307, Fordhouse Lane
Friendly Forum
Tomorrow’s meeting of Friendly Forum will welcome David Swain to talk to the meeting.
Next Week
Sunday 29th April
Hazelwell Morning Worship
Led by Rev. Barbara Calvert
Thanks to all who supported week’s quiz in aid of Christian Aid. We raised a total of £366.
Tickets available TODAY
for our Christian Aid Meal
On Sunday May 13th
Following our 10am Morning service
After a short talk-
The meal will comprise a quiche or ham salad
followed by a choice of desserts.
Tickets available today from Lynne Neill
£8 adultUnder 5 free5-12 £3
Invite your friends