Weekly Notices 18th February 2018
15 Feb 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 18thFebruary 2018
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. Elaine Russell
I have always found the baptism of Jesus, with a dove descending and a voice from heaven, one of the great moments in the Jesus story. This is where Jesus hears the deep call from God. Jay Parini
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
51 Great is Thy Faithfulness
524 Listening God
518 Father Hear The Prayer We offer
81 Now Thank We All Our God
Please Pray for
: Residents of Granton Road & Granton Close
: Wardens & Stewards
: All who suffer as a result of abuse of social media
: The Growth Of Our church
b30Food Bank
In the week ending 10th FEBRUARY 2018 we received 1037 kgs of food, and gave out 1510kgs of food, feeding 168 people, 112 adults & 56 children on 90 vouchers. We are running short of jams, long life milk (both whole and semi skimmed), cooking rice, instant potato, tinned spaghetti, macaroni cheese, hot chocolate, sugar (500g) & cereal.
Women’s world Day of Prayer
Theme “All God’s Creation Is very Good”
The service this year will take place at New Life Baptist Church, Kings Heath on Friday 2nd March at 2.00pm.
You are warmly invited to participate in this worldwide ecumenical movement of Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action.
Lent Appeal
Our Lent appeal this year supports the work of Christian Aid.
Leaflets and jars may be collected from the back. There are separate versions for adults and children. They highlight specific needs of the poorest people in the world and those aspects of our own affluent lives for which we thank God. There are suggestions for prayer and for giving which you may choose to follow. The appeal closes at Easter which marks the end of Lent.
Next Sunday
Sunday 25th February
10.00am Hazelwell Communion
Led by
Rev. Moira Forbes