Weekly Notices 7th January 2018
2 Jan 2018 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 31st December 2017
Hazelwell All Age Worship
for Epiphany
Led by Rev. Moira Forbes
All the Christmas presents in the world are worth nothing without the presence ofChrist." -David Jeremiah
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
223 A special star
204 In the bleak midwinter
We three Magi (We Three Kings)
Please Pray for
: Residents of Hanbury Drive & Sycamore Terrace
: All who contribute to the smooth running of the
: The Growth of our church
b30Food Bank
In the week ending 29th December 2017
we received 760kgs of food and gave out 396ks of food, feeding 40 people, 26 adults & 14 children on 19 vouchers.
During 2017 the food bank received a total of 63514kgs of food and gave out 61155kgs of food feeding 7501 people 4350 adults 3151 children on 3247 vouchers
We are running short of fruit juice, long life milk , macaroni cheese, jam, rice, and instant potato.
Thank You For Your Continued Support
Change of Name
Please note that henceforward Moira has resumed the name of Moira Forbes and will therefore be referred to as Rev. Moira Forbes