weekly news 10th December 2017
9 Dec 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 10th December 2017
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by
Rev Moira Saunders
Look for Jesus and you will find Him,
and with Him everything else.
C.S. Lewis
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
178 Long ago prophets knew
175 Light of the World
172 Hills of the north rejoice
177 Lo, He comes
Please Pray for
: Residents of Kings Terrace & Mercia Drive
:Vicars, Ministers & Preachers.
: All who are dependent on food banks to provide for
their meals over the Christmas period.
: The Growth of our church
Friendly Forum– this week will meet at the home of Yvonne and David Swain , 25 Westminster Drive, Kings Heath tomorrow at 1.30pm. Marjorie Bourne will be speaking. All Welcome.
This will be the last meeting until after Christmas. Meetings will be resumed on Monday 8th January at 1.30 when Derek and Beverley Grinter will be entertaining everyone.
All Welcome.
b30Food Bank
In the week ending 2nd December 2017we received in 3338kgs of food, and gave out 1544kgs of food, feeding 192 people, 120 adults & 72 children on 81 vouchers. We are running short of Fruit Juice, Tinned Spaghetti, Smash, Tinned Fruit, Custard, Rice Pudding and Macaroni Cheese.
In the run up to Christmas please add tinned ham, tinned salmon, tinned potatoes, Christmas pudding, Christmas cake, mince pies, chocolates.
We are also running out of carrier bags.