Weekly News 5th November 2017
1 Nov 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 5th November 2017
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. Moira Saunders
Hymns (from Singing The Faith)
Please Pray for
: Residents of Bilberry Road & Dawberry Road
: Members of Social Committee
: All those bereaved or injured by the attack in
New York this week
: The Growth of our church
In theweek ending 28th October 2017we received 1166kgs of food and gave out 1104kgs of food, feeding 137 people, 81 adults & 56 children on 64 vouchers. We are running short of tinned spaghetti, fruit juice, squash, hot chocolate, instant potato, tinned rice pudding, rice and custard.
Thank You
Many thanks to all those who helped to make a success of last Tuesday’s Light Party(Alternative Halloween Celebration).
We welcomed a total of 14 children, with their parents and all had a great time.
The theme of the evening was light and children made lanterns in a variety of forms, which are displayed at the foot of the altar today.
After tasty refreshments, games included doughnut bobbing, cutting the chocolate dress-up game and a treasure hunt. We finished off with prayer, as we had started.
There have already been very favourable responses from the parents of children who attended.
Gum Boots Total
The current total given for our Harvest Appeal has now reached £322 – and rising!
Blooming Boots
Look out for these novel bulb planters. They have been planted with daffodils (with suitable drainage) for spring colour. We are selling them for our Harvest Appeal charity
Gum Boots. Give autumn blues the boot with these fun wellies.