Weekly Notices 15th October
14 Oct 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 15th October 2017
Hazelwell Communion
led by Rev. Elaine Russell
“God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go.” –Tony Evans
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
162, The prophet’s voice
188 There’s a light upon the mountains
251, Jesus Christ is waiting
713, Show me how to stand for justice
568, Allelulia! sing to Jesus
Please Pray for:
: Residents of The Pathway & Fawley Grove
: Vicars, Ministers & Preachers
: All those who are homeless on the streets of our city.
: The Growth of our church
In the week ending 7th October 2017we have received in 2471kgs of food an
Many thanks to all who supported our Harvest Lunch last Sunday which raised £280 towards our Gum Boots appeal.
Friendly Forum will meet tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm. when David Taylor will talk about his recent visit to the West Coast of America.
The Hazelwell Light Party will provide families with children an alternative celebration on Halloween Please collect a flier from the back of church if you are interested.
Blooming Boots
Look out for these novel bulb planters. They have been planted with daffodils (with suitable drainage) for spring colour. We are selling them for our Harvest Appeal charity
Gum Boots. Give Autumn blues the boot with these fun wellies.