weekly Notices 17th Sepember 2017
16 Sep 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 17th September 2017
Hazelwell Communion
Rev. Moira Saunders
God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies. Hudson Taylor
Hymns: - Singing The Faith
83 Praise my soul the king of Heaven
20 Be Still for the presence of the Lord
88 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
94 To God be the glory
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Norfolk Close & County Close
: All who contribute to the smooth running of the
: All those affected by the bomb in London
this week
: The growth of our church
Macmillan 2017
It is less than 2 weeks to the date of the
Macmillan Coffee Morning Event
6.00pm-7.30pm in the Hub
hosted by beavers, brownies & cubs
Everyone welcome to attend
In the week ending 9th September 2017 we received 540kg of food, and gave out 1039kgs of food, feeding 128 people, 74 adults & 54 children on 61 vouchers.
We are running short of custard, sugar, tinned fruit, coffee, tea, hot choc, squash, jam, carrots, whole milk, tinned meat & tinned fish, tinned tomatoes, tinned Spaghetti, Rice Pudding & Smash..
Friendly Forum will welcome Rev.Mark Simmonds to speak at their meeting tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm.
This year’s Harvest appeal is in aid of the
“Gum Boots” Charity
The Gumboots Foundation works to make a positive impact to South African communities who struggle each day for a better future.
By supporting community projects together with local leadership, Gumboots helps change the life chances of some of the country’s poorest people.
You are invited to join us for our
Talk & Lunch
Sunday October 8 th
Following 10.00am communion service
Selection of Casseroles
+ Choice of Desserts
Selection of fruit juice, tea/coffee
Tickets on Sale today from Lyn Neill
£8.00 £3.00
Adults Children 5-12 yrs.
Next Sunday
Next Sunday’s service will be
Hazelwell Communion,
led by Rev Elaine Russell
All Welcome