Weekly News 23rd July 2017
22 Jul 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 23rd July 2017
Hazelwell Morning Prayer
Led by Yvonne Swain & Janet Thomas
Beating the Bounds of the Parish & Parish Picnic
During this morning members of the congregation who wish to do so, will be walking the boundary of the parish – a distance of just under 4 miles. Having set out following prayers at the start of this morning’s service, they will be stopping briefly at certain key locations for prayer. Following tea and coffee they will return to church and we will all meet for a parish picnic in Hazelwell Park. Everyone is welcome to join us – as walkers, drivers, passengers, picnickers or in whatever capacity you choose.
There will be lifts available for those who need one and if you’ve forgotten your picnic we have some to share.
Friendly Forum will meet tomorrow Monday at 1.30.
Hymns: Singing The Faith
476 One more step
470 Lord For the Years
479 The King Of Love
487 You shall go out with Joy
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Granton Road & Granton Close
: Those responsible for the smooth running of the
: All issues currently of concern in our parish.
: The growth of our church
In the week ending 15th July 2017 we received 643 kg of food, and gave out 1048 kgs of food, feeding 129 people, 79 adults & 50 children on 61 vouchers. We are running short of custard, sugar, tinned fruit, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, squash, jam, carrots, whole milk, tinned meat & tinned fish.
Hazelwell Family Fun Play-scheme
Fliers giving information and how to apply also available in church or Hub Reception.