Weekly Notices 16th July
13 Jul 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 16th July 2017
Hazelwell Communion
Led by Rev. Nick Jones
Hymns: Singing The Faith
82 How Great thou art
72 Father God I wonder
588 I come with joy a child of God – Offertory Hymn
503 Love Divine, all loves excelling
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Brandwood Road & Dawberry Fields
: Those responsible for the smooth running of the
: All those affected by progressive degenerative
: The growth of our church
In the week ending 8th July 2017 we received 1,390 kg of food, including 709 kg from Tesco Quinton Collection on Saturday, and gave out 878 kgs of food, feeding 110 people, 62 adults & 48 children on 50 vouchers .
We are running short of custard, sugar, tinned fruit, coffee, tea, hot choc, squash, jam, carrots, whole milk, tinned meat & tinned fish .
Hazelwell Family Fun Play-scheme
Fliers giving information and how to apply available from the table at the back of church, also Hub reception
or see Moira or Mary Bowen.
Beating the Bounds of the Parish - Parish Picnic
Next Sunday ( 23rd July) members of the congregation who wish to do so, will walk the boundary of the parish – a distance of just under 4 miles. They will set out following prayers at the start of our 10o’clock morning worship and stop briefly at certain key locations for prayer. Following our morning worship we will all meet for a parish picnic in Hazelwell Park. – It is hoped that people will bring their own picnic and the event will culminate in this shared celebration. Everyone is welcome to join us – as walkers, drivers, passengers, picnickers or in whatever capacity they choose.
Patricia Reeves-Alton will speak at Friendly tomorrow
Monday at 1.30. Her subject will be precious and semi -
precious stones.