Weekly Notices 2nd July 2017
30 Jun 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 2nd July 2017
Hazelwell Church Parade
& All Age Worship
A Service of Thanksgiving For All Creatures Great And Small
Led by Rev. Moira Saunders
We have more to learn from animals than animals have to learn from us. Anthony Douglas Williams
Hymns: See Booklet
All Things Bright And Beautiful
Who Put The Colours In the Rainbow
If I Were A Butterfly
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Belstone Close& Haytor Avenue
: Members of Sunday School &
Our Uniformed Organisations
: All those responsible for finding the causes of the
Grenfell Flats Fire and the resultant deaths and
: The growth of our church
In the week ending 24th June 2017 we received 2518kg
of food and gave out 892kgs feeding 106 people, 78
adults 28 children on 56 vouchers .
We are running short of custard, sugar, tinned fruit,
coffee, tea, hot chocolate, squash, jam, carrots, whole
milk, and tinned meat .
We also need carrier bags
Mary Bowen will speak on Japan to Friendly Forum
tomorrow Monday at 1.30pm. All Welcome.
The final total raised at our Summer Fair last week was
£840. Many thanks to all who contributed to this effort in
any way
Hazelwell Family Fun Play-scheme
Fliers giving information and how to apply available from the table at the back of church
or see Moira or Mary Bowen.
Beating the Bounds of the Parish
– Parish Picnic
On Sunday 23rd July members of the congregation who wish to do so, will walk the boundary of the parish – a distance of just under 4 miles. They will set out following prayers at the start of our 10oclock morning worship and stop briefly at certain key locations for prayer. Following our morning worship we will all meet for a parish picnic in Hazelwell Park. – It is hoped that people will bring their own picnic and the event will culminate in this shared celebration. Everyone is welcome to join us – as walkers, drivers, passengers, picnickers or in whatever capacity they choose.
Please sign the list on the bell tower so that we can plan for the amount of transport available, numbers of walkers and numbers who might offer lifts following the service. (We plan to provide transport and chairs).
For further information see Shannon (He will give more details during this morning’s service).