Weekly News 28thMay 2017
24 May 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 28th May 2017
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. Moira Saunders
If one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.
John 11vs10
28 Faithful One (sing through twice)
20 Be still for the presence of the Lord
707 Make me a channel of your peace
481 The Lord's my Shepherd
Advance Notice
We have 5 weeks to go until our summer fair
We plan to make our Summer fair an especially
“summery” event. In addition to our “usual suspects”
we will have a fancy dress competition, face painting,
children’s crafts and have plans for a good – sized
plant stall. If you have any surplus plants - please
keep this in mind.
We would also be grateful for contributions to the
following stalls:-
“as new” gifts for the TOMBOLA
bottles (large & small) BOTTLE STALL
white elephants for the BRIC A BRAC
cakes (on the day) CAKE STALL
books (adult and children’s) BOOK STALL
toys (good quality please) TOYS
All contributions will be gratefully received – please
leave them behind the screen at the back of church,
suitably labelled
Christian Aid Total
Many Thanks to all who generously supported our fundraising events for Christian Aid
our final total was £734- a very good effort.
In the week ending 20th May 2017
we received in 783kgs of food and gave out 864kgs
of food, feeding 114 people: 67 adults and 47
children on 54 vouchers.
Most urgently needed food is: tinned spaghetti, tinned
tomatoes, long life WHOLE milk, long life fruit juice,
instant potato, custard, hot chocolate, sugar, cooking
rice and tinned meat. We also need carrier bags!
Thanks to all donors and volunteers
There will be no meeting of Friendly Forum this week
as tomorrow is a bank holiday.