Weekly Notices 14thMay 2017
12 May 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 14th May 2017
Hazelwell Preaching Service
Led by Rev. I Howarth
Methodist Circuit Chairman
Singing The Faith
134 Christ whose glory fills the sky.
447 Jesus, be the centre. Sung once before.
248 I heard the voice of Jesus say.
365 Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts.
563 O Jesus I have promised
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Hazelwell Drive & Partons Road
: Church Wardens & Stewards
: All who are living with chronic health conditions
: The growth of our church
Thanks to all who supported our quiz last night.
We hope to announce a total this morning
In the weekending 6th May 2017 we received 899kg of food and gave out 855kgs of food feeding 108people, 61 adults and 47 children on 49 vouchers.
Most urgently needed food is tinned spaghetti, tinned tomatoes, long life milk, long life fruit juice, Smash, custard, hot chocolate, sugar and cooking rice. We also need carrier bags.
Advance Notice
We plan to make our Summer fair an especially “summery” event.In addition to our “usual suspects” we will have a fancy dress competition, face painting, children’s crafts and have plans for a good – sized plant stall. If you have any surplus plantsplease keep this in mind.
Rev Nick Jones will speak to Friendly Forum tomorrow Monday at 1.30. All Welcome.
Tickets available TODAY
Last Chance To Buy Tickets
for our Christian Aid Lunch
Which follows the 10.00am service
and talk about Christian Aid
Next Sunday
21st May
The meal will comprise a selection of casseroles (Beef, Chicken or Lamb)
followed by choice of cold desserts.
Tickets available today