Weekly News 7th May 2017
1 May 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 7th May 2017
All Age Service and Church Parade
Led by Rev. Moira Saunders
Hymns: Singing The Faith
481 The Lord's My Shepherd
61 Our God is a great big God
351 In Christ Alone
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Kings Terrace and Mercia Drive
: All who were elected across the country in Thursday’s
elections and the decisions they will take.
: Members of Sunday School and our uniformed
: The growth of our church
Please Join us
for For
The Christian Aid Quiz
Saturday May 13th
7.30pm Doors open 7.00pm
Get friends together
to pit your wits against other teams in a fun night.
Cost £5 per person (pay on the night).
Tea, coffee and cakes provided, bring your own drinks and snacks.
There will also be a raffle.
Jars Of Change
The final total raised by our Jars of Change Lent Appeal was £175.
Many thanks to all who participated.
Tickets available TODAY
for our Christian Aid Meal
Which follows the 10.00am service and talk about Christian Aid on Sunday 21st May.
The meal will comprise a selection of casseroles (Beef, Chicken or Lamb) followed by choice of cold desserts.
Tickets available today from Lynne Neill
£8 adult, £3 children - invite your friends
In the week ending 29th April 2017 we received 834kg of food and gave out 968kgs of food, feeding 133people, 76 adults and 57 children on 41 vouchers.
Most urgently needed food is tinned spaghetti, tinned tomatoes, long life milk, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, ready made custard, tinned meat, Smash, coffee, hot chocolate and sugar. We also need carrier bags urgently
Thanks to all who contributed to The Children’s Society and Action For Children. The total raised for these charities was £200 and £250 respectively