12 Apr 2017 • Weekly Notices
Sunday 16th April 2017
Hazelwell Communion Service
Led by Rev. Nick Jones
Hymns: Singing The Faith
298 Christ the Lord is risen today
306 Now the green blade rises
297 Christ is alive
313 Thine be the glory
Please Pray for:
: Residents of Harton Way & Kings Road
: Our Choir & Organists
: Jim and Erica as they set off this week for their
”Big Adventure”
: The growth of our church
b30 Food Bank
In theweekending 8th APRIL 2017
we received 1945kg of food and gave out 1103kgs of food, feeding 183 people 83 adults and 100 children on 61 vouchers.
Most urgently needed food are tinned spaghetti, tinned tomatoes, long life milk, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, ready made custard, tinned meat, Smash, coffee, hot chocolate. We also need carrier bags urgently
Water Aid Lent Appeal
If you have been putting money towards the “jars for change “ Water Aid” Lent appeal please return your jar next Sunday (23rd April)- to Mary. If you are a tax payer then completing the gift-aid declaration can significantly increase the value of your donation.
Friendly Forum There will be no meeting of Friendly Forum tomorrow as it is a bank holiday.
Advance Notice
Christian Aid Quiz will take place on Saturday May 13th
It’s a chance to get friends together to pit your wits against other teams in a fun night.
Tea, coffee and cakes provided, bring your own drinks and snacks. There will also be a raffle.
Christian Aid Meal
Our second fund-raiser for Christian Aid will be a lunch which follows the 10.00am service and talk about Christian Aid on Sunday 21st May. The meal will comprise a selection of casseroles followed by choice of cold desserts. Tickets available 30th April-invite your friends.